1. Introduction
In the next 4 parts of this series, we look at various ring signature schemes and prove their security in the RO model. This part is dedicated to the analysis of a generic class of ring signature schemes introduced in [1] and inspired by [2]. We also introduce a specific instance of the generic scheme which is itself a generalization of the non-interactive Schnorr signature.
2. Herranz & Saèz generic scheme
The scheme is built on a security parameter , which by design corresponds to the length in bits of the output of the random oracle . Given a message and a ring of members, the signing algorithm outputs a signature where:
- The ‘s are pairwise-different random elements chosen from a pre-defined large set. The term pairwise-different means that , .
- . That means that is the RO’s output on query .
- is fully determined by , and , for all .
By design, we require that the probability of selecting any particular be upper-bounded by . For example, consider the finite field over a large prime . The probability of choosing a particular value for in the mutiplicative cyclic group is equal to (assuming a uniform distribution over ). Clearly, this is less than or equal to .