confidential transaction

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Download pdf here: CT and Pedersen Commitment

1. Introduction

Pedersen Commitments are at the heart of how Monero conceals transaction amounts. The notion of a confidential transaction as enabled by Pedersen Commitments were outlined and defined by Gregory Maxwell in [1]. In what follows we first introduce the notion of a group homomorphism (of which the Pedersen Commitment map is a particular instance), we then define the Pedersen Commitment map, and finally present the mechanisms of a confidential transaction enabled by a such a map.

2. Group homomorphism

Let (M, \boxplus) and (N, \oplus) be 2 groups with respective group operations \boxplus and \oplus. A function f: M \rightarrow N is called a group homomorphism if and only if

f(u \boxplus v) = f(u) \oplus f(v),\ \forall u, v \in M

In other terms, operating on 2 elements in M and then applying f is equivalent to applying f on each element separately and then operating on the 2 outputs in N.

We now introduce a specific instance of a group homomorphism that we will invoke when concealing transaction amounts with Monero as part of the confidential transaction construct. In particular, we conduct arithmetic in the subgroup \{{G\}} of the elliptic curve group E. introduced in part 5 (refer to the post entitled Elliptic Curve Groups for an introduction to this topic)

Let (N, \oplus) \equiv (\{{G\}}, \oplus), and let (M, \boxplus) \equiv (\mathbb{F}_l \times \mathbb{F}_l, +) where + denotes element-wise addition in modulo l arithmetic over \mathbb{F}_l \times \mathbb{F}_l.

It is a known result in group theory that if a is a generator of a cyclic group \{{a\}} of order m, then there are \phi(m) elements of the group that have order m (\phi is the euler function introduced in part 1). In our case, the generator G of \{{G\}} has prime order l. Moreover \phi(l) = l-1 (since l is prime). Hence we can find l-1 other generators of \{{G\}}. Let H \neq G be another generator such that the DL (discrete logarithm) of H with respect to G is unknown. We define the Pedersen Commitment map (which we will later use to build a confidential transaction) as follows:

k: \mathbb{F}_l \times \mathbb{F}_l \rightarrow \{{G\}}

(x,a) \rightarrow k(x,a) \equiv (x \otimes G) \oplus (a \otimes H)

We claim that the map k is additively homomorphic. To see why, let (x_1,a_1),\ (x_2,a_2)\ \in \mathbb{F}_l \times \mathbb{F}_l. We then have:

k(x_1,a_1) \oplus k(x_2,a_2) = [(x_1 \otimes G) \oplus (a_1 \otimes H)] \oplus [(x_2 \otimes G) \oplus (a_2 \otimes H)]

= ((x_1 + x_2) \otimes G)) \oplus ((a_1 + a_2) \otimes H))
(where + denotes \pmod{l} over \mathbb{F}_l)

=k((x_1+x_2),(a_1+a_2))\ =\ k((x_1,a_1) + (x_2,a_2))

hence k is homomorphic.

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