Probabilistic Turing Machine

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1. Introduction

We divide this post into 6 sections. Section 2 is a qualitative description of digital signature schemes. Section 3 motivates the introduction of hash functions along with some of their desired properties. Section 4 describes a hypothetical ideal random function known as a Random Oracle. Section 5 briefly introduces the notion of Probabilistic Turing Machines that will be needed when studying the security of digital signature schemes. Sections 6 and 7 describe 2 pillars introduced by Poitncheval & Stern to prove the resilience of some digital signature schemes against a forgery attack in the Random Oracle model. In particular, Setion 6 describes a reduction model to facilitate the security analysis of signature schemes. Section 7 states and proves an important lemma known as the splitting lemma.

There is one caveat: I assume that the reader is familiar with basic probability theory, modulo arithmetic, as well as some group theoretic concepts including the notions of cyclic groups and finite fields. A concise introduction to group and field theory can be found in this post. For a more detailed treatment, the reader can refer to e.g., [3].

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