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1. Introduction

In part 7 we introduced the MLSAG ring signature scheme. Among other things, it safeguarded the anonymity of the signer. In part 8 we discussed the notions of Pedersen Commitments and Confidential Transactions. They were used to mask transaction amounts without compromising the proper bookkeeping of balances on the network. In this part, we combine the two in a new structure known as ring Confidential Transaction or ringCT.

It turns out that combining both concepts in a single mathematical construct requires additional work. In the first section, we explain why outright combination of the aforementioned concepts fails to preserve the anonymity of the sender.

In the second section we remedy the situation by introducing the notion of a non-zero commitment. This will form the basis of Monero’s ringCT scheme.

The last section goes over the mechanics of how a Monero transaction is created and includes references to relevant parts of the code base. We introduce two variants of ringCT, namely ringCT Type Full and ringCT Type Simple. We finally conclude with a breakdown of the components of a real-life Monero transaction.

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Download pdf here: MLSAG Signature Scheme

1. Introduction

Monero stands out from other cryptocurrencies in its ability to hide the signer, conceal the transaction amount, and protect the identity of the recepient. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 helped us build the foundation to better understand and appreciate the security properties of ring signatures (albeit in the RO model). This part (introduction to MLSAG), as well as part 8 and part 9 will focus on Monero’s privacy in so far as the signer’s identity and the transaction amount are concerned. Part 10 will introduce stealth addresses as a mechanism to protect the identity of the fund’s recipient.

In order to describe how a Monero transaction hides both the signer’s identity and the amount of the transaction, we introduce 2 additional concepts:

  1. A generalization of the LSAG signature (introduced in part 6) to allow each member of the ring to have a key-pair vector [(pk_1,sk_1),.,(pk_n,sk_n)] instead of only one pair (pk,sk).
  2. A particular map known as the Pedersen Commitment that will be used to hide transaction amounts while allowing the network to check that input and output amounts always balance out.

Recall that by proving that a digital signature scheme was unforgeable, one gets the assurance that only the signing algorithm {\Sigma} associated with a given ring member can produce a valid signature (i.e., verified by \mathcal{V}). Any other procedure that bypasses {\Sigma} will result in a failed attempt of forgery with overwhelming probability. We note the following about the verification process of \mathcal{V}:

  • In a “non-ring” setting, the verification is done using a particular public key pk_{\pi}. The validation of a given signature proves that the signer of the message (in this case user \pi) knows the secret key sk_{\pi} associated with pk_{\pi}. Assuming that secret keys are safe-guarded and non-compromised, this actually proves that the user with key-pair (pk_{\pi},sk_{\pi}) signed the message.
  • In a ring setting, the verification is conducted using a public key vector L \equiv [pk_1,...,pk_{\pi},...,pk_n] known as a ring. This vector is used to conceal the identity of the signer. The validation of a given signature proves that the the signer of the message (in this case user \pi) knows the secret key associated with one of the public keys in L. Assuming that secret keys are safe-guarded and non-compromised, this actually proves that the user with key-pair (pk_{\pi},sk_{\pi}) signed the message, for some index 1 \leq \pi \leq n that no one other then the actual signer knows.
  • The ring setting can be generalized further by allowing each ring member i, 1 \leq i \leq n to have a key-pair vector of length m, given by [(pk_{i}^1, sk_{i}^1),...,(pk_{i}^m, sk_{i}^m)], as opposed to a unique key pair (pk_i, sk_i). In this setting, the verification is conducted using a public key matrix

        \[PK= \begin{bmatrix} pk_1^1 & ... & pk_{\pi}^1 & ... & pk_n^1 \\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ...\\ pk_1^m & ... & pk_{\pi}^m & ... & pk_n^m \\ \end{bmatrix} \]

    The validation of the signature proves that the signer knows the secret key associated with each one of its public keys. In other terms, there exists a column in PK (say column 1 \leq \pi \leq n) such that the signer knows the secret key associated with each public key appearing in that column. Assuming that secret keys are safe-guarded and non-compromised, this actually proves that the user with key-pair vector [(pk_{\pi}^1,sk_{\pi}^1),...,(pk_{\pi}^m,sk_{\pi}^m)] signed the message, for some index 1 \leq \pi \leq n (that no one other then the actual signer knows).

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